Multi Gaming Platfrom (Real Money Games)

Real Money gaming is booming and we have ready product which help you to go live faster

Great Opportunity

Multi-Gaming platforms are trending in the market currently. Some of the popular multi-gaming applications and widely downloaded gaming applications are WinZO, MPL, Big Cash Pro , Paytm First Games etc. These applications are really popular among people generating huge revenue daily because of real money (₹).

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We Have Ready Product(100% Completed)

We have ready product which help to you to go live faster as per your requirement, our product contains real money tournament and battle where you can keep your revenue 10% - 20% of each game and there are millions of real money battles played every day. You don’t need to worry about licenses, we provide end – to end hassle free service. You just need to give us list of games you need in your own application and we will make them to go live faster since we have everything is in place.

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Our Support and services

We provide end-to-end support which includes, New company account opening, Payment gateway approval, SMS and DLT approval, Email Services Approval, AWS account setup and maintenance, Marketing and Promotion, Bollywood celebrity and sports person as a brand ambassador for your product etc.

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